Calgary Catholic Education Foundation
Calgary Catholic Education Foundation

I Believe in Catholic Education

The Calgary Catholic Education Foundation's mission is to enhance the educational experience of Calgary Catholic students.

The CCEF is a registered charity that operates on donations only and is an independent organization overseen by a volunteer board of directors from across Calgary.

Supporting Students

  • Leading edge learning technology
  • Citizenship, leadership and stewardship
  • Social justice
  • Safe, caring and faith filled schools
  • Campus Calgary/Open Minds®

The CCEF was established in 2009 and has donated more than $3.2 million right here in our Calgary Catholic School District.

How you can support The CCEF

Sign up to donate monthly. By donating, you can make a lasting social change and improve local lives. Your donation will create ripples of positive impact across our Catholic community that swell to waves of change.

The benefits to you

* Payroll donation is the most convenient way to contribute to the CCEF
* Your donation is the amount of your choosing
* Your donation is spread throughout the year
* Your donation is confidential
* Your donation is easy to track on your T4 which replaces your tax receipt
* The glow in your heart when you know you are making a local impact

When you donate through payroll donations you are investing in your local Catholic school community. Your donation is invested right where you live, work, and raise your family. The CCEF holds itself accountable to its donors, and invests donated resources as wisely, efficiently, and effectively as possible, generating a high return on community investment. We rigorously monitor and report on the impact of our investments so donors can be confident their investment is making a positive difference.

Go to: / Useful Links / HR Self Service / Payroll Details / Charitable Donations