For the 2024/2025 school year, the CCEF awarded $$149,857.41 in grants to 47 schools in the Calgary Catholic School District.

School Project Title Awarded
Bishop Carroll High School Arts Commons Grade 10-12, Seed School Grades 10-12, Stampede School Grades 10-12 $2,500.00
Bishop McNally High School Beats & Brilliance: Cultivating Creativity and Community Through the Art of Djing $6,000.00
Christ the King School Roots of Unity: To Know, To Love, To Serve $4,000.00
Don Bosco School We Have Sound! $5,000.00
Father James Whelihan School Remarkable Religious Retreat $4,520.70
Guardian Angel School Grade 6 (2 classes) City Hall School (grade 1), Telus SPARK School (grade 1), Outdoor Leadership School (grade 1) $2,500.00
Holy Cross School Access for All $1,350.00
Holy Spirit School Jube School - Grade 2 (1 classroom) $1,250.00
John Costello School Fusion Board: Collaborate & Create $2,714.00
Light of Christ School Art Commons at the Hub for inspired learning grade 6S and 5M & 5K $2,500.00
Monsignor E.L. Doyle School Calgary Stampede School for grade 5 & 6 $2,500.00
Monsignor J.S. Smith School The Reset Room $1,870.00
Monsignor Neville Anderson School A sign of Christ $3,300.00
Mother Mary Greene School Open Minds: Calgary Zoo School (grade 2/1), Jube School (Grade 1) $2,500.00
Our Lady of Fatima School LOFTboard Technology  $2,714.00
Our Lady of Lourdes School Stampede School - 7 classrooms grades 1-9 are participating $1,250.00
Our Lady of Peace School Empowering Students Through Interactive Math Displays $2,714.00
Our Lady of the Rockies High School Modernizing Technology: Touch/Interactive screen alternative to LOFT Interactive TVs $3,767.76
Our Lady Queen of Peace School Lofting us into action! $2,714.00
Sacred Heart School Sensory Room $5,690.00
St. Andrew School Fostering Resilience, Health, and Inclusivity Through Physical Activity $4,720.00
St. Basil School  Elevate Learning: Enhancing K-9 Learning with Loft TVs $2,714.00
St. Bernadette School Art Felt and In-Line Skating $2,430.00
St. Boniface School Indigenous and Regulation and Reading Corner $1,429.92
St. Catherine School Amplifying Voices: Enhancing Community Engagement $4,672.75
St. Cyril School  iPads for Impact: Boosting Skills & Creativity $2,549.90
St. Elizabeth Seton School SES Display Project $2,714.00
St. Francis High School Conoco Phillips Hub for Inspired Learning at Arts Commons Grade 10, 11 and studnets with variety of medical diagnosis and intellectual disabilities $550.00
St. Gianna School City Hall School Grade 2 $1,250.00
St. Gregory School Loft and Chromebooks $2,714.00
St. Helena School Nature, Spirit, and Art: Enhancing Environmental Education through Place-Based Learning, New Materialism & Arts Based Environmental Education $6,000.00
St. Hubert School Minds and Makers Discovery Space $5,464.00
St. Jerome School St. Jerome's Journey to a Multi-Sensory Student Support Space $4,011.98
St. Joan of Arc School Future-Ready Minds: Equipping Students with Coding Skills for Tomorrow $6,000.00
St. John Paul II School Enhancing Our Gymnasium Through Audio and Equipment Upgrades $6,000.00
St. Joseph School Empowering Education: Advancing Classroom Technology for Enhanced Learning Opportunities $2,714.00
St. Joseph School 4 classes attending CC/OM - Healthy Living (2), Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park (1), Stampede School (1) $2,500.00
St. Jude School  CC/OM EcoAction School $1,250.00
St. Kateri Tekakwitha School "LOFT"ed Visions $2,714.00
St. Luke School  Arts Common School (Gr. 2 & 3/4), Calgary Public Library School (Gr 1 & Gr 2/1), Zoo School (Gr 3/2 & Gr 4), 2School Urban Experience (Gr 5, 5/6 & Gr 6) $5,300.00
St. Martha School Purchase of 2 interactive LOFT boards $2,714.00
St. Martin de Porres High School Technology Rejuvenation $5,145.40
St. Matthew School Growing Community Through Play $3,767.00
St. Patrick School Library School $1,250.00
St. Pius X School Grade 5 and 6 program: CHIL School (Arts Common) 2-classrooms Grade 1: Zoo School (1 classroom) $2,500.00
St. Stephen School Lofty Goals - Loft boards for equitable learning and engagement $2,714.00
St. Thomas Aquinas School St. Thomas Aquinas Technology Project $2,714.00

For the 2023/2024 school year, the CCEF awarded $150,055 in grants to 56 schools in the Calgary Catholic School District.

School Project Title Awarded
Apostles of Jesus School Connecting Generations Club $2,300.00
Bishop Carroll High School CC/OM (grades 10-12) $3,312.50
Bishop O'Byrne High School  Safe and caring learning space for inclusivity and collaboration. $2,788.50
Corpus Christi School The Extinction of LCD Projectors $2,649.00
Don Bosco School Leading Edge Technology in the Classroom $2,649.00
Father Doucet School For the Fun of It! $2,215.15
Father James Whelihan School Loft Screen/Smart Television Update Technology for Teaching and Learning $2,649.00
Father Lacombe High School The Sharing of Mastery and Representation, Performance and Opportunity $6,000.00
Father Scollen School CC/OM (1 classroom/ELD) $1,250.00
Good Shepherd School Smart Boards for Success $2,649.00
Guardian Angel School  CC/OM (1 classroom) $1,250.00
Holy Family School  Holy Family's Healthy Feel-Good Sensory Room $2,200.00
John Costello School Enhancing Elementary Music for All $2,649.00
Light of Christ School Dual Redesign of two Learning Commons Spaces: Cultural Diversity and Mental Health. $3,000.00
Madeleine d'Houet School Loft Interactive Display $2,649.00
Monsignor Neville Anderson School CC/OM (1 classroom) $1,250.00
Mother Mary Greene School Sensory Room $3,500.00
Notre Dame High School  CC/OM (1 classroom/ESII) $1,250.00
Notre Dame High School    Fashion Enhancement Project $4,860.00
Our Lady of Fatima School   LOFT learning iniative in div 2 classrooms $2,649.00
Our Lady of Grace School Social Justice for Beginners Bags $1,000.00
Our Lady of Peace School  Empowering Grade 9 Students through Chromebook Technology $2,765.00
Our Lady of the Evergreens School  Seeds to Soundwaves: Amplifying Student Voice $2,731.18
Our Lady of the Rosary School Technology enrichment and support. $2,765.00
Sacred Heart School Technology Access Improvement $4,345.00
St. Albert the Great School   Technology Improvement Plan $2,649.00
St. Ambrose School CC/OM $3,312.50
St. Anne Academic Center Bridging the Tech Gap $1,244.45
St. Augustine School Faith Formation from Within the Fine Arts $3,000.00
St. Augustine School CC/OM (4 classrooms) $3,312.50
St. Benedict School CC/OM (1 classroom) $1,250.00
St. Benedict School  Interactive Teaching a Learning $2,649.00
St. Cyril School   Technology Tool Kits $2,765.00
St. Dominic School   Fine Arts School Program Enhancements, K-6 $3,000.00
St. Elizabeth Seton School  Project Sting PE $3,000.00
St. Francis High School Purchase of a class set of the Youth Catechism $1,078.00
St. Gregory School Leading with Loft! $2,649.00
St. Isidore School CC/OM (Virtual) $500.00
St. John Henry Newman Empowering education Through Loft Tech Integration $2,649.00
St. John Paul II School Sensory Room $4,500.00
St. John XXIII School Sensory Sanctum: Explore & Unwind $4,500.00
St. Joseph School CC/OM (4 classrooms) $3,312.50
St. Kateri Tekakwitha School St. Kateri Tekakwitha Loft Screen Technology Project $2,649.00
St. Martha School Making St. Martha's Stronger $5,339.65
St. Matthew School Let the little children come to me (and the teenagers too!) $2,403.50
St. Michael School  Moving into the Future $2,649.00
St. Monica School CC/OM (1 classroom) $1,250.00
St. Patrick School STEM through Makerspace $3,000.00
St. Peter School  Lofts for Learning $2,649.00
St. Philip School CC/OM (2 classrooms) $2,500.00
St. Rose of Lima  Calm learning $2,720.00
St. Sebastian School Connecting Community $4,500.00
St. Thomas Aquinas   1991 Called, It Wants Its SMART Board Back! $2,649.00
St. Timothy Jr/Sr High School Experimental Music Lab & Music Exploration Center $3,000.00
St. Veronica School CC/OM (1 classroom) $1,250.00
St. William School   St. William School Wiggles $800.00

For the 2022/2023 school year, the CCEF awarded $150,055.43 in grants to 53 schools in the Calgary Catholic School District.

School Awarded
Apostles of Jesus School $2,300.00
Bishop Carroll High School $3,312.50
Bishop O'Byrne High School $2,788.50
Corpus Christi School $2,649.00
Don Bosco School $2,649.00
Father Doucet School $2,215.15
Father James Whelihan School $2,649.00
Father Lacombe High School $6,000.00
Father Scollen School $1,250.00
Good Shepherd School $2,649.00
Guardian Angel School $1,250.00
Holy Family School $2,200.00
John Costello School $2,649.00
Light of Christ School $3,000.00
Madeleine d'Houet School $2,649.00
Monsignor Neville Anderson School $1,250.00
Mother Mary Greene School $3,500.00
Notre Dame High School $6,110.00
Our Lady Of Fatima School $2,649.00
Our Lady of Grace School $1,000.00
Our Lady of Peace School $2,765.00
Our Lady of the Evergreens School $2,731.18
Our Lady of the Rosary School $2,765.00
Sacred Heart School $4,345.00
St. Albert the Great School $2,649.00
St. Ambrose School $3,312.50
St. Angela Workplace School $1,244.45
St. Anthony School $6,312.50
St. Bede School $3,899.00
St. Clare School $2,765.00
St. Damien School $3,000.00
St. Dominic School $3,000.00
St. Elizabeth Seton School $1,078.00
St. Gianna School $2,649.00
St. Isabella School $500.00
St. Joan of Arc School $2,649.00
St. John Henry Newman School $4,500.00
St. John Paul II School $4,500.00
St. John XXIII School $3,312.50
St. Kateri Tekakwitha School $2,649.00
St. Martha School $5,339.65
St. Matthew School $2,403.50
St. Michael School $2,649.00
St. Monica School $1,250.00
St. Patrick School $3,000.00
St. Peter School $2,649.00
St. Philip School $2,500.00
St. Rose of Lima School $2,720.00
St. Sebastian School $4,500.00
St. Thomas Aquinas School $2,649.00
St. Timothy Junior/Senior High School $3,000.00
St. Veronica School $1,250.00
St. William School $800.00

For the 2021/2022 school year, the CCEF awarded $103,647.10 in grants to 42 schools in the Calgary Catholic School District.

School Awarded
Apostles of Jesus School $2,000.00
Blessed Marie-Rose School $2,000.00
Corpus Christi School $1,464.80
Divine Mercy School $3,000.00
Father Lacombe High School $2,500.00
Holy Family School $1,464.80
Light of Christ School $3,627.39
Madeleine d'Houet School $1,464.80
Monsignor A.J. Hetherington School $2,000.00
Monsignor J.S. Smith School $1,464.80
Monsignor Neville Anderson School $5,957.00
Mother Mary Greene School $1,464.80
Our Lady of the Assumption School $3,000.00
Sacred Heart School $2,300.00
St. Alphonsus School $2,164.80
St. Anthony School $2,500.00
St. Augustine School $1,464.80
St. Bede School $3,199.05
St. Benedict School $2,000.00
St. Bernadette School $2,011.50
St. Bonaventure School $2,500.00
St. Cyril School $2,500.00
St. Damien School $3,576.07
St. Dominic School $3,200.00
St. Elizabeth Seton School $1,464.80
St. Gerard School $2,563.40
St. Helena School $2,500.00
St. Henry School $1,464.80
St. Hubert School $2,563.40
St. James School $2,563.40
St. Joseph School $3,657.00
St. Jude School $1,464.80
St. Maria Goretti School $2,563.40
St. Mark School $4,925.57
St. Martha School $2,018.98
St. Matthew School $5,563.40
St. Patrick School $1,831.00
St. Peter School $1,678.54
St. Philip School $3,000.00
St. Pius X School $2,000.00
St. Rita School $1,000.00
St. Wilfrid School $2,000.00

For the 2020/2021 school year, the CCEF awarded $125,264.71 in grants to 42 schools in the Calgary Catholic School District.

School Awarded
Apostles of Jesus School $4,000.00
Bishop McNally High School $4,865.40
Corpus Christi School $3,125.50
Divine Mercy School $1,250.00
Don Bosco School $3,150.00
Father Doucet School $2,920.00
Father Lacombe High School $6,000.00
Father Scollen School $3,125.50
Holy Trinity School $2,800.00
Light of Christ School $2,500.00
Our Lady of Lourdes School $2,500.00
Our Lady of the Assumption School $4,000.00
Our Lady of Wisdom School $5,625.50
Our Lady Queen of Peace School $3,125.50
Sacred Heart School $3,125.50
St. Anthony School $4,000.00
St. Bede School $1,250.00
St. Damien School $3,125.50
St. Dominic School $1,250.00
St. Henry School $3,125.50
St. Isidore School $2,500.00
St. Jerome School $1,250.00
St. John Henry Newman School $1,990.00
St. John XXIII School $5,000.00
St. Joseph School $4,420.00
St. Jude School $3,125.50
St. Kateri Tekakwitha School $3,195.00
St. Mark School $3,000.00
St. Martin de Porres High School $3,125.50
St. Monica School $3,000.00
St. Patrick School $3,125.50
St. Peter School $2,475.00
St. Philip School $1,250.00
St. Pius X School $2,960.00
St. Rita School $1,250.00
St. Rupert School $3,125.50
St. Sebastian School $1,833.31
St. Stephen School $3,125.50
St. Thomas Aquinas School $1,500.00
St. Timothy Junior/Senior High School $3,650.00
St. Vincent de Paul School $3,000.00
St. Wilfrid School $2,500.00

For the 2019/2020 school year, the CCEF awarded $$161,979.32 in grants to 64 schools in the Calgary Catholic School District.

School Project Title Awarded
Apostles of Jesus School  Calgary Campus/Open Minds $3,750.00
Ascension of Our Lord Technology for Learning Commons and Makerspace $2,000.00
Bishop Carroll Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
Bishop Kidd Coding Challenge $2,945.60
S. John Henry Newman Playground $2,000.00
S. John Henry Newman Indigenous Culture Day $2,000.00
Christ the King School Christ the King 10th Anniversary Technology Update $2,000.00
Corpus Christi Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
Corpus Christi Corpus Christi School Preparing All Students for the Future $5,988.00
Divine Mercy Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
Father Lacombe High School Technology - Electrical board for Automotives Program $1,976.00
Father Scollen School Calgary Campus/Open Minds $7,500.00
Father Scollen School Literacy and Numeracy Learning Through Technology $2,577.40
High School Social Justice Summit District Wide $2,000.00
Holy Child School Sound Kreations Dance Residency $2,832.50
Holy Trinity Technology in the classroom $2,945.60
John Costello School Playground $2,000.00
John Costello School  Quest Theatre $4,500.00
Light of Christ Calgary Campus/Open Minds $3,750.00
Light of Christ Extending the Classroom- The Learning Commons Project $2,945.60
Monsignor Neville Anderson LOFT Technology $2,000.00
Our Lady of Grace Makerspace $2,000.00
Our Lady of Peace Playground $2,000.00
Our Lady of the Assumption  Quest theatre - Artist in residency $4,000.00
Our Lady of Wisdom Calgary Campus/Open Minds $2,500.00
Our Lady of Wisdom One Book Two Schools - Me To We (CCC Project) $4,000.00
Sacred Heart Legends - From Stories to Understanding by Trickster Theater Residency $2,494.00
St. Alphonsus Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St Basil School St Basil Friendship Garden $2,580.00
St. Alphonsus Technology and Information $2,706.27
St. Andrew Wild Mint Arts - Hoop Dance Residency $1,000.00
St. Anthony  Music Therapy  $3,825.00
St. Basil Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St. Bernadette School  St. Bernadette STE(A)M  $4,624.92
St. Bonaventure School Sublimation and vinyl cutting, CTF $4,000.00
St. Cyril Playground $2,000.00
St. Damien Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St. Gerard STEAMing Ahead $2,000.00
St. Jean Brebeuf School Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St. John Paul II Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St. John XXIII School Calgary Campus/Open Minds $2,500.00
St. John XXIII School STEM BrickLAB Adventure $5,922.88
St. Joseph  St. Joseph Learning Commons Technology Update  $2,950.00
St. Joseph School Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St. Jude Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St. Jude Playground Games $700.00
St. Kateri Tekakwitha School St. Kateri Tekakwitha Nutritional Equity Program $1,277.00
St. Mark Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St. Mark Active Living Through Healthy Living Initiatives $2,346.75
St. Martin de Porres High School SMDP Smart (& Portable) Hydroponics Project $2,945.60
St. Matthew School Improve CTF Option Courses $2,400.00
St. Michael School "Social Justice League" - championing feelings of safety value and connectedness $1,569.00
St. Philip School Calgary Campus/Open Minds $2,500.00
St. Pius X School Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St. Rita Calgary Campus/Open Minds $1,250.00
St. Rita Literacy Learning Flexible Groupings $4,749.00
St. Rupert School Technology Replacement Project $2,945.60
St. Sylvester School Technology Enhancement at St. Sylvester $2,000.00
St. Teresa of Calcutta One World Drumming Residency $2,855.00
St. Thomas Aquinas Playground $2,000.00
St. Thomas More St. Thomas More-Diverse Learning $3,682.00
St. Timothy Junior/Senior High School Assistive Technology for Diverse Learners $2,000.00
St. Vincent de Paul Imagine Language and Literacy Program $2,000.00
St. Wilfrid Digital Devices for Digital Learners  $2,945.60
School Awarded
All Saints High School $4,703.00
Apostles of Jesus School $16,050.00
Ascension of Our Lord School $49,580.00
Bishop Carroll High School $31,562.50
Bishop Kidd School $53,804.60
Bishop McNally High School $42,295.40
Bishop O'Byrne High School $12,779.50
Blessed Marie-Rose School $2,000.00
Christ the King School $12,973.50
Corpus Christi School $47,109.30
Divine Mercy School $5,500.00
Don Bosco School $33,724.00
Father Doucet School $7,635.15
Father James Whelihan School $36,852.70
Father Lacombe High School $75,171.00
Father Scollen School $46,756.90
Good Shepherd School $46,929.00
Guardian Angel School $10,000.00
Holy Angels School $18,500.00
Holy Child School $5,665.00
Holy Cross School $44,080.60
Holy Family School $24,964.80
Holy Name School $15,600.00
Holy Spirit School $23,776.00
Holy Trinity School $13,330.60
John Costello School $18,363.00
Light of Christ School $53,322.99
Madeleine d'Houet School $13,313.80
Monsignor A.J. Hetherington School $37,613.00
Monsignor E.L. Doyle School $9,020.00
Monsignor J.J. O'Brien School $32,000.00
Monsignor J.S. Smith School $9,334.80
Monsignor Neville Anderson School $27,278.00
Mother Mary Greene School $12,623.20
Notre Dame High School $56,075.00
Our Lady Of Fatima School $39,373.00
Our Lady of Grace School $10,500.00
Our Lady of Lourdes School $18,769.00
Our Lady of Peace School $13,970.00
Our Lady of the Assumption School $69,086.30
Our Lady of the Evergreens School $33,231.18
Our Lady of the Rockies High School $160,867.76
Our Lady of the Rosary School $2,765.00
Our Lady of Wisdom School $44,075.50
Our Lady Queen of Peace School $38,179.50
Prince of Peace School $2,000.00
Sacred Heart School $35,120.50
St. Albert the Great School $7,479.00
St. Alphonsus School $26,159.80
St. Ambrose School $42,117.50
St. Andrew School $22,225.00
St. Anne Academic Centre $7,244.45
St. Anthony School $22,763.00
St. Augustine School $42,836.30
St. Basil School $12,244.00
St. Bede School $41,719.05
St. Benedict School $17,999.00
St. Bernadette School $93,397.42
St. Bonaventure School $9,500.00
St. Boniface School $15,729.92
St. Brigid School $18,806.00
St. Catherine School $18,672.75
St. Cecilia School $28,500.00
St. Clare School $13,722.00
St. Cyril School $28,814.90
St. Damien School $66,904.57
St. Dominic School $16,950.00
St. Elizabeth Seton School $38,783.80
St. Francis High School $1,628.00
St. Gabriel the Archangel School $27,301.00
St. Gemma Outreach High School $0.00
St. Gianna School $1,250.00
St. Gregory School $21,053.00
St. Helena School $32,351.00
St. Henry School $30,749.30
St. Hubert School $19,825.40
St. Isabella School $10,000.00
St. Isidore School $3,000.00
St. James School $15,494.40
St. Jean Brebeuf School $3,250.00
St. Jerome School $35,056.98
St. Joan of Arc School $7,250.00
St. John Henry Newman School $39,139.00
St. John Paul II School $123,970.00
St. John XXIII School $71,849.06
St. Joseph School $46,427.50
St. Josephine Bakhita School $5,000.00
St. Jude School $18,111.30
St. Kateri Tekakwitha School $74,087.00
St. Luke School $24,628.00
St. Margaret School $30,000.00
St. Marguerite School $0.00
St. Maria Goretti School $10,054.40
St. Mark School $46,514.37
St. Martha School $69,268.54
St. Martin de Porres High School $92,967.50
St. Mary's High School $5,000.00
St. Matthew School $54,736.90
St. Michael School $24,880.00
St. Monica School $151,250.00
St. Patrick School $53,680.50
St. Peter School $34,062.54
St. Philip School $19,250.00
St. Pius X School $21,745.00
St. Rita School $94,921.00
St. Rose of Lima School $48,193.00
St. Rupert School $49,532.10
St. Sebastian School $14,384.31
St. Stephen School $15,394.50
St. Sylvester School $21,000.00
St. Teresa of Calcutta School $26,621.00
St. Thomas Aquinas School $14,113.00
St. Thomas More School $55,641.00
St. Timothy Junior/Senior High School $39,446.05
St. Veronica School $4,133.00
St. Vincent de Paul School $20,000.00
St. Wilfrid School $31,161.80
St. William School $27,959.00
St. Angela Workplace School - CLOSED $48,445.00
St. Gerard School CLOSED $4,563.40
Grand Total $3,751,132.39