The CCEF is pleased to provide $150,000 grant funding for the 2024/2025 school year.
Calgary Catholic School District schools and classrooms may apply for grants up to $6,000 for projects falling under Technology, Social Justice, Safe and Caring Schools, Leadership and Stewardship. For Campus Calgary/Open Minds® grants are available up to $1250 per participating classrooms.
- Oct 1 - Grants open
- Oct 31 - Grants close
- Nov - Grants are reviewed
- Nov - Grants are ratified by Grant Committee
- Dec - Grants are approved by The CCEF Board
- Dec - Grants announced
The CCEF will evaluate grant applications based on our Grant Criteria Rubric before consideration.
Available Grants
Note that all applications must have the support of the principal and area director and be submitted through the online application form.
General Grants
The CCEF believes in providing enhanced learning opportunities for our Catholic students with the following priorities:
Schools can apply for general grant funding up to $6,000.
Campus Calgary/Open Minds®
Campus Calgary/Open Minds®️ is an innovative curriculum-based program that moves the classroom into the community for an entire week.
The experience is a catalyst for learning activities that occur throughout the year. Classroom teachers work closely with community experts to custom design a week that meets individual needs. The program length, the deep thinking about first-hand experiences that go beyond curricular lines and the time to reflect, help take learning to new heights.
The Campus Calgary/Open Minds®️ experience truly opens the minds of students, giving them a clearer idea of the role they play in the world around them. They become an informed and involved member of their community. Once back in the classroom, students apply their understandings beyond their local setting to national and global communities.
Each classroom is eligible to apply for a $1,250 grant.
Students may be photographed, videotaped and interviewed as part of the CCEF grant project. To protect a student’s privacy, parental/guardian consent is necessary under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Download the CCEF FOIP form HERE.
Grant Inquiries
CCEF Grants are open from October 1-31 yearly to all eligible CCSD Schools. If you would like more information, please contact us through the form or by email below.